Registration And Pre-Workshop
I’ve sent in my registration but I am wondering if I’ve been accepted.
You will get an automated confirmation immediately upon signing up, including confirmation of your payment method, what you’ve signed up for and its price. You should also receive an automated confirmation from either Zelle or Paypal, once you’ve paid. You’ll get an email within 10 days of your registration with further information on how to pay balances, what your lodging situation looks like at this time, etc..
What if I want to pay by check or Zelle? You can still do that! We appreciate your prompt payment- it makes less work for us. 🙂 We also understand that this year, because of Covid unknowns, you may want to only pay $50 as a deposit.
*** New last year- you can pay by Zelle, read here for more information.
Please note: All checks must be postmarked by January 1st- no exceptions. When you’re registering, just make sure you click on the appropriate button, that says “pay by check”. Send your checks to: Bill Boyd, NWSF treasurer, 7728 21st Ave. NW, Seattle, WA 98117.
What instruments are best suited for this workshop? Fiddle and cello are at the top of the list, but there’s so much more! Due to the virtual component this year, there are many others that might be included: viola, string bass, guitar, mandolin, piano, flutes, recorders and whistles, harp, xylophones, accordions, and yes, even bagpipes!
Can I get sheet music and recordings of the tunes being taught, before the camp begins? For the workshop, itself, normally, no sheet music is distributed. Tunes are taught by ear, in the traditional manner. We will try to record the classes so we can make those available after the workshop on our YouTube channel. After the workshop, a link will be sent to you for the sheet music posted. We will not be sharing the list of tunes that will be taught in advance.
What if I am used to learning music by reading it first?
This will be a new experience for you. If our schedule allows, we will identify fiddle tutors and helpers that will be on hand to offer help learning the tunes in special break out classes. Hang in there and do your best- the more you try to learn tunes by ear, the easier it will become!
I am a beginner fiddle player, will this be too tough for me? Intermediate to advanced players will get the most out of this workshop because of the fast pace, and learning by ear. Keep in mind, we usually learn a several tunes, maybe one slower tune, such as an air, in addition to a march, strathspey, a jig or two, and at least one reel. We will play them the best we can on Sunday for the grande finale when we all get on stage with Alasdair and Natalie, but we want to also stress that this should be fun! You don’t have to play a tune if you’re not comfortable with it yet! Settle in on a groovy rhythm, and enjoy!
What other activities might I be able to participate in besides the workshop? This year, we will bring the opportunities to you! There’ll still be incredible interviews with folks you know, and some you don’t know! We will have our Saturday night ceilidh with a few new surprises up our sleeve! There’ll be something for everyone, we promise. Details will be sent out in emails! We’ll also have an MLK-themed interview with Jasmin Faulk Dickerson, and a special guest.
What do we do all day? A final schedule will be posted. For now, if you visit the schedule page, you’ll get some idea of how it flows.

Session in full swing on Friday before dinner. Classroom B. Led by The Reds.
What is a session? Should I come? Remember the first session of the weekend happens FRIDAY, from 4 – 6 pm. Exact location TBA! Remember, you can come in any time, join in… or just hang out. NO MATTER what your playing ability, come join in! All levels welcome! There will be no pressure to lead a set, or even an individual tune!
Sessions will be available before and after classes and later in evening. They’re an excellent chance to see other players, what they play, learn tunes by ear, etc. There’s nothing planned about it- go where the music takes you!
When is the Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas “concert”? It will be at 2 pm on Sunday (1/15). Think of it as a final play-through! We will have a ball up on this big stage!
How to contact us: Please write to Marcia Thumma at