Natalie, besides being an awesome teacher, she knows how to have fun at the concert, or anywhere!

Calum MacKinnon, beginning fiddle instructor and NW Scottish Fiddlers music director

Auditorium A- where classes, ceilidh and concerts are held!

Class is in “session”! Really, it’s too much fun to be called a class!

High energy class with the younger crowd!

Bev getting the Saturday night ceilidh going! Love the “grass” skirt, don’t you?

Hawaii Five-O at the ceilidh!

Guinnevere and Sami -Hawaii Five-O beauties!

Have you ever used a fiddle case for bongos? Sam was not afraid…!!

A little Scottish Country Dancing with our instructor, Mary.

Final Concert- NW Scottish Fiddlers are the warm-up act.

NW Scottish Fiddlers’ “wee” member.

Grand Finale – Alasdair leades everyone on stage! What fun!