Club meeting 2011 – Calum reviewing tunes.
Starting this fall, we will meet in members’ homes, like we used to a few years back. Please let any member of the board know if you would like to host a meeting!
Here are the dates and meeting locations for 2016. Click on the names to see where they live. We’ll also give you a sneak preview of what we’ll be doing that month.. Note! We have a couple of great guest fiddle instructors visiting!!
As usual, we will also make this a pot-luck event, so members can share favorite foods, recipes, and stories.
2017 will be posted as soon as possible.
- September 11 – Calum MacKinnon hosting – Calum will teach tunes/jam session
- October 9 –Donna Varnau hosting- Mini concert and tune teaching by Susan Burke of Bothell/jam session
- November 13 – Donna Varnau hosting – Set rehearsals for Alasdair Workshop, then JAMÂ session
- December 11 – Bill Boyd hosting – Calum MacKinnon will teach tunes, lead review of sets for Alasdair workshop, and jam session
***Meetings will begin at their normal time – 2:00 p.m. Board meetings and youth band at 1:00 p.m.