Color your own WOW logo- we promise they’ll be used at the workshop!
It’s official, there’s a “Happy Hour and Flag Coloring” on Thursday, January 14th, from 5-5:30 pm (Pacific time). Â Then stay put for our orientation for the workshop at 5:30!! Â Your hosts will be Cayley Schmid and Erin Esses. Use this link to get your own printable copy, and be sure to print on landscape so you’ll get a bigger logo to color!!
More information directly from Cayley, “Come early to orientation on Thursday and join in with WOW’s official group coloring project/happy hour! Print out your very own WOW flag at home, then bring it at 5 pm for a half hour of coloring, silliness, and staring at each other. (Your flag will be used for waving at our instructors, and more, throughout the weekend.) We might also debate coloring inside vs. outside of the lines, choosing shades the complement your mood, and flag waving techniques, and so much more!”
You might also be searching for something to attach this flag to, such as stick, or anything that remotely resembles a stick!
Don’t have a printer????? Please contact Marcia Thumma . Â Let me know ASAP, and we’ll try to print a flag for you and send it in the mail! Please include your mailing address in your note!!